Gaps in your emotional intelligence profile could be costing you in areas of forming healthy romantic, platonic, and professional relationships. Become aware of the gaps that are causing you harm.


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This terrific guide will arm you with tools of observation and reflection, for self-care, as well as specific fresh behaviors that can be put in place to boost your success in any relationship. The information is quite relevant and applicable, because the human experience is quite ubiquitous - we all want to matter and to be heard. 

Grab your copy today - as you apply these basic principles, you will become stronger and your relationships will be healthier and more mutually fulfilling.

BONUS #1: Get a complementary Coaching Session upon completing this book to focus on the installation of the new software into your lifestyle. 

CLICK HERE to schedule your 45min session

BONUS #2: This book comes with a self-guided, companion worksheet to help motivate and monitor your growth. Be sure to request it at the end of your coaching session.